August 25, 2024
Second Sunday after the Assumption
Tone 4 - ԲԿ


Night Service
Ganonaklookh - score and audio
Hanksdyan Sharagan -   score and audio
Orhnootyoon - score and audio

Alelook -  score

Morning Service
Harts - score and audio
Medzatsoostseh - score and audio
Voghormya - score and audio
Der Hergneets - score and audio
Mayr Soorp -  score (Armenian), score (transliteration) and audio
Youghapereets Gark

Divine Liturgy
Introit/ Zhamamood - score and audio
Soorp Asdvadz -  "Vor Yegir Ee Pokhoomun Mor Ko Yev Goosi"
Jashou Sharagan - score and audio
Scripture readings*- in English
Gospel (Western Armenian) - text and pronunciation
Gospel (Krapar) - text and pronunciation

Feasts and Saints Commemorated during the week
Monday, August 26 - Ninth Day of Assumption
Tuesday, August 27 - Saints Joachim and Anna, parents of the Holy Mother of God, and of Myrophores (Oil-Bearing Women)
Thursday, August 29 - Saint Jeremiah the Prophet
Saturday, August 31 - Saints Thomas, James and Simon the Apostles

* Sunday and Festal Readings are from "The Lectionary of the Armenian Church (Jashots Kirk)" prepared by Rev. Fr. Arshen Ayvazian. The book can be ordered  through the St. Nersess Seminary website,, or via phone at (914) 273-0200.